The Yamaha CL5 Digital Mixing Console

Posted by Daniel Sofman on
The Yamaha CL5 Digital Mixing Console

When it comes to digital mixing of live sound, the Yamaha CL5 Digital Mixing Console is generally considered to be the best mixer of its type. If your church or production company is looking for a digital mixer, Muzeek World can set you up with a package deal to get you the Yamaha CL5 at an affordable price.
What makes the Yamaha CL5 such a highly regarded choice? The CL5 is popular because of its exceptional sonic purity, but also because of the expressive freedom it gives the engineer. This digital mixer has three main advantages over competing consoles: its superior sound quality, range of effects, and intuitive user interface.

Sound Quality
Superior sound quality is the single most important issue for any sound engineer – but what gives one digital mixer better sound than another? With the Yamaha CL5, the answer is analysis. Before releasing this console, Yamaha analyzed, reviewed, and refined the design of every single circuit, perfecting the technology to perfect the sound.

Range of Effects
A comprehensive selection of options and effects is what any engineer needs in order to experience true creative freedom. With the CL5, you can shape the sound exactly the way you want it for the ideal performance.

Intuitive Interface
The interface on the Yamaha CL5 is designed to be intuitive, creating an efficient experience that makes it much easier to get the sound you want. Every detail of the CL5 is designed to make sense, all the way down to the feel of the controls and feeders.
As you can see, there’s a reason the CL5 is one of the most popular digital mixers we sell at Muzeek World. Call Muzeek World at 1-877-477-6543 or email us at for a package deal on the Yamaha CL5 Digital Mixing Console!


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